{ body font-family: 'Poppins', sans-serif; }#nprogress .bar { background: #ffa73b; }.back-to-top a svg { fill: #fd6261; }
a digital music instrument.

a digital music instrument.

a digital music instrument.
a digital music instrument.
a digital music instrument.

A modular synthesizer makes music based on sinus waves. You can take a wave, reshape it, squeeze it, stretch it, overlay it with other waves and every time new sounds will come out of it!

A modular synthesizer makes music based on sinus waves. You can take a wave, reshape it, squeeze it, stretch it, overlay it with other waves and every time new sounds will come out of it!

A modular synthesizer makes music based on sinus waves. You can take a wave, reshape it, squeeze it, stretch it, overlay it with other waves and every time new sounds will come out of it!

A modular synthesizer makes music based on sinus waves. You can take a wave, reshape it, squeeze it, stretch it, overlay it with other waves and every time new sounds will come out of it!

A modular synthesizer makes music based on sinus waves. You can take a wave, reshape it, squeeze it, stretch it, overlay it with other waves and every time new sounds will come out of it!

music based
on waves.

music based
on waves.

music based
on waves.
music based on waves.
music based
on waves.

You can put filters on the wave sounds, program sequenced melody patterns, play them in loops or compose entire songs! In order to play the sounds, you need interfaces and keyboards - which exist in different shapes and forms. I took it on to design an instrument that combines all these functions!

You can put filters on the wave sounds, program sequenced melody patterns, play them in loops or compose entire songs! In order to play the sounds, you need interfaces and keyboards - which exist in different shapes and forms. I took it on to design an instrument that combines all these functions!

You can put filters on the wave sounds, program sequenced melody patterns, play them in loops or compose entire songs! In order to play the sounds, you need interfaces and keyboards - which exist in different shapes and forms. I took it on to design an instrument that combines all these functions!

You can put filters on the wave sounds, program sequenced melody patterns, play them in loops or compose entire songs! In order to play the sounds, you need interfaces and keyboards - which exist in different shapes and forms. I took it on to design an instrument that combines all these functions!

You can put filters on the wave sounds, program sequenced melody patterns, play them in loops or compose entire songs! In order to play the sounds, you need interfaces and keyboards - which exist in different shapes and forms. I took it on to design an instrument that combines all these functions!

build your
own Moukka!

build your
own Moukka!

build your
own Moukka!

build your own Moukka!
build your
own Moukka!

Every time you reassemble your Moukka modules, you can create your own version of it. So the synthesizer becomes exactly what the user needs in the moment.

Every time you reassemble your Moukka modules, you can create your own version of it. So the synthesizer becomes exactly what the user needs in the moment.

Every time you reassemble your Moukka modules, you can create your own version of it. So the synthesizer becomes exactly what the user needs in the moment.

Every time you reassemble your Moukka modules, you can create your own version of it. So the synthesizer becomes exactly what the user needs in the moment.

Every time you reassemble your Moukka modules, you can create your own version of it. So the synthesizer becomes exactly what the user needs in the moment.

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1Zeichenfläche 1 Kopie 33
1Zeichenfläche 1 Kopie 31